
Who We Are


About Dr. Kim Sanschagrin:

Dr. Kim Sanschagrin is a licensed psychologist and licensed attorney. She attended the joint law and psychology program through Villanova University School of Law and the Department of Clinical & Health Psychology at MCP Hahnemann University (which has since merged with Drexel University). A member of the Maryland Psychological Association and the Maryland Bar Association, Dr. Sanschagrin has worked with adolescents and adults in a variety of clinical, research, and legal settings in Pennsylvania, Texas, and in Maryland, including the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Jefferson Pain Center, Norristown State Hospital, the Federal Medical Center – Carswell, the Defender Association of Philadelphia, and the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. Dr. Sanschagrin has been practicing psychology in Maryland since 2006.

our principles



Establish relationships of trust with those with whom they work.



At LMHA, we strive to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the practice of psychology.



We respect the dignity and worth of all people.

Our mission


LMHA’s mission is to provide the highest quality of mental health care to adolescents and adults. Read more


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